I loved the control scheme in this game, very interesting and unique. There are a few flaws in this game however that hold it back from being perfect (or close to it).
Because the control scheme does have a bit of a curve, the level difficulties jump very awkwardly. The first half of the game is easy to moderate difficulty, but the second half really becomes quite demanding, making very concise and awkward jumps just to complete the level.
My second gripe is on easy difficulty, your character will be pushed back against walls which will in some cases will hit your enemy to fall back and hit a nearby enemy.
My third complaint is hard difficulty (which I played after easy). I had already gotten used to the controls, so it wasn't much of a problem until the last 5 or so levels, where even knicking the walls seems unavoidable without ridiculous timing.
My suggestion, I would make the response time for when your character moves and when he jumps a bit delayed, so it seems possible to jump straight up without moving forward. I died many times because I came too close to a wall or pinwheel and it was impossible to not hit it.
Overall, I think you have a solid idea, but I would suggest working on your level design to make it challenging, but not to the point of frustration where you will die in a single section repeatedly.
Nice work sir.