This is sick
I think the vocals are a tad overpowering, but that beat is fucking hot man.
This is sick
I think the vocals are a tad overpowering, but that beat is fucking hot man.
thanks man i know we should've prolly worked more on the vocals but hey i still think its pretty good and i had fun makin this with friends.
Good stuff
I love this, jazzy, chill, laid back.
That guitar is just awesome, is that you playing?
great stuff my good man.
The guitar, as mentioned in the comments, is played by No1r.
Pretty cool
The strings and orchestra are beautiful. My only small complaint is the that drums were so weak. It would have made it so much epic.
Good stuff man 8)
weak? hmm, you mean plain? Or sharper? I'm trying to specify your review :P
tx for review :)
This is a pretty sick dance song. I love that vocoder <3
Very nice
This is a great jazzy chill song. My only complaint was that the intro was a tad dragged, but other than that great stuff man.
Yeah, I don't know what to do for the intro. Oh well, it's a work in progress :)
Not bad
You have the right idea for the buildup, but climax just never came for me. It got kind of thin and just died out. The synths were cool, and the percussion was nice. Some of the effects were really cool. I'm assuming you did a filter sweep with the percussion?
Overall pretty good track man.
Well if you wanna get technical, Goa shouldn't have a climax at all. So it's alright that you didn't climax ;)
Not bad.
I love that goa sound you tried to emulate, very nice. The snare is wierd, and the clap is too loud.
To be honest though, I was dissapointed. The beginning was awesome, but it just died out at the end, I was expecting something more epic.
Yeah i know :P it really isnt one of my best, didnt really put much effort in to it at the end, just wanted to finish it and thats why it has a crappy ending xD
Ty for ur review :>
Grtz ~ [W] ^^
This is hot
I love that bass, great riff. This is a perfect chill song when I'm laying on my porch. This song desperately needs a sax though, it would make it so hot.
Great work man!
thanks for the review
I'll definitely reconsider adding a sax I f redo it.
Very Nice
Pretty nice remix of the classic tune, the bass was very tight.
Keep up the good work, man!
I dunno why, but i like hard bass.
Thx for the review
Joined on 4/30/08